The Best Outsourcing Infographics in 2023: See Compelling Numbers That Can Help With Your 2024 Strategy

Published: January 4, 2024
Three professionals are in a meeting. Image caption reads: Ultimate List of 2023 Outsourcing Infographics

As we stand on the cusp of 2024, strategic insights become invaluable in steering the course for businesses. Given this, we present a curated collection of the best outsourcing infographics of 2023, each encapsulating powerful numbers and statistics that hold the potential to redefine your strategies for the upcoming year.

From call center trends to labor shortages and the integration of AI in workforce management to the critical challenges in healthcare, these infographics encapsulate vital information that can shape your decisions and elevate your approach to outsourcing in 2024.

➡️Call Center Outsourcing Trends 2023 and Beyond: See the Future of BPO in 63 Compelling Numbers 

As businesses evolve and adapt to the dynamic demands of the modern era, outsourcing stands as a pivotal force, shaping how organizations engage with their customers. 

Let’s delve into outsourcing trends for 2023 and beyond, unveiling a narrative told through 63 compelling numbers. From customer service innovations to technological advancements, each statistic offers profound insights into the trajectory of call center outsourcing. 

BPO Market Growth & Projections

Philippine BPO Industry

With 1.7 million workers contributing to a $35.9 billion industry and 83% of companies expecting growth, the Philippines remains a significant player in global outsourcing. Its robust workforce and growth projections signify a sustained contribution to the global BPO landscape.

Global Market Value

The projected growth to $586.92 billion by 2030, with a 9.6% CAGR from 2022 to 2023, indicates a consistent upward trajectory. This growth signifies the expanding scope and increasing reliance on outsourcing across industries and geographies.

Projected Growth in Top Outsourcing Services:

The substantial CAGR percentages across the E-commerce, Healthcare, Finance, IT, Legal, and Data Outsourcing sectors signal continued expansion and investment. Businesses increasingly rely on outsourcing for functions critical to their operations, such as data handling, legal processes, and technological advancements.

Rise in Demand for Various Outsourcing Models

Statistics revealed shifting preferences and strategies in sourcing models. This includes the increased demand for nearshoring for manufacturing and onshoring for complex operations, demonstrating a nuanced approach to global resource utilization.

Growing Demand for Specific Outsourcing Services:

From customer service and multilingual support to supply chain management, and accounting, service’s increasing demand highlights businesses’ reliance on specialized outsourcing to streamline operations, enhance customer experiences, and optimize processes across diverse industries.

Global Outsourcing Trends Across Industries

Industry-specific figures depict how outsourcing has become integral to these sectors. From improving supply chain efficiency in logistics to enhancing customer experiences in hospitality, outsourcing plays a pivotal role in revenue generation and operational efficiency.

These statistics underscore the growing prominence of outsourcing across industries, showcasing its multifaceted impact on businesses’ operational strategies, market expansion, and customer engagement models.

➡️Compelling Insights into the Labor Shortage as the Business Sector Steps into 2024

In today’s shifting economic landscape, the global business sphere faces a challenge that transcends industries and borders: the staggering impact of a persistent labor shortage. The aftermath of the pandemic has reshaped the job market, leaving vacancies across diverse sectors and regions. 

From the intricate details of the shortage’s global footprint to industry-specific gaps within the United States, we unravel the numbers and trends that define this critical issue.

Global Workforce Challenges

  • Over 85 million jobs are expected to be vacant by 2030.
  • 77% of employers still struggle to hire skilled workers in 2023.
  • A projected $8.5 trillion loss due to the global workforce shortage.
  • The most challenging departments to recruit for are communication services and energy & utilities.
  • Japan, Brazil, Indonesia, China, Russia, the U.S., and Taiwan face the most significant impact of labor shortages.

Labor Shortage Across U.S. Industries

  • Tech industry risks losing $162 billion if unable to recruit more experts.
  • Textile industry facing a 20% labor shortage.
  • Anticipated need for 360,000 welders by 2027.
  • Wage growth above pre-pandemic levels, estimated at 4.1% in 2024.
  • Construction industry creating 3,620 new roles requiring 546,000 employees.
  • Manufacturing sector is projected to have 2.1 million job openings.
  • Hospitality industry hit hardest with a shortage of 349,000 workers.
  • Shortfall of 67,100 high school teachers annually.
  • Chronic workforce scarcity in transit, impacting service delivery significantly.

Inventive Approaches to Coping with Staffing Crisis

  • Out-of-the-box recruitment strategies needed.
  • Employee referral programs empower active participation in recruitment.
  • Competitive salaries showcase employee value.
  • Application process reflects company culture and environment.
  • Remote work options, flexible hours, and compressed workweeks attract a wider talent pool.
  • Recruitment process outsourcing offers a strategic, cost-effective solution.

Strategies to Navigate the Workforce Crunch

  • Creative recruitment strategies: Use niche social media, recruitment apps for contingent workforce.
  • Employee referral programs as a cost-effective recruitment solution.
  • Competitive salaries essential to address labor shortage.
  • Optimizing candidate experience through transparent job ads and technology-driven processes.
  • Hybrid work models gain popularity, offering remote and flexible options.
  • Reskilling and upskilling programs improve workforce productivity.
  • Creating an employee-centric culture crucial to retaining talent.
  • Recruitment process outsourcing streamlines employee acquisition.

Navigating Labor Shortage With SuperStaff

  • Outsourcing offers a way to access expertise and streamline operations.
  • SuperStaff, a leading BPO, specializes in HR and recruitment solutions.
  • Harnesses recruitment specialists to improve workforce quality, reduce overhead costs, and diversify the employee pipeline.

➡️The Future of Workforce in the AI Age: HR Outsourcing Trends in 47 Compelling Numbers

The HR landscape stands at the forefront of AI transformations, with burgeoning trends and seismic shifts shaping the future of talent acquisition, retention, and management.

From the looming global labor shortage projections and the disruptive impact of automation and AI to the profound implications of employee turnover and stress, this compilation brings forth a mosaic of statistics and trends that paint a vivid portrait of the contemporary job market.

Global Labor Shortage and Future Projections

  • Estimated shortage of more than 85 million workers by 2030.
  • Impact of labor shortage may result in a loss of $8.5 trillion in revenues.
  • Countries like Japan, Brazil, Indonesia, China, Russia, and the U.S. face significant shortages.

Trends Shaping the Labor Market

  • Automation and Generative AI are projected to boost productivity and create jobs.
  • Economic shifts might displace 3.5 million jobs but could create 4.2 million jobs driven by renewable energy.

Workforce Turnover and Employee Stress

  • High resignation intentions among employees; stressed workforce impacts engagement.
  • Good employee experience leads to improved engagement. 

Workforce Demands 

  • Employee perception of being underpaid impacts job retention.
  • Flexibility, career development, and job security concerns are prevalent among workers.

Job Relocation, Resurgence, Occupational Shifts

  • Employees seek jobs closer to home; healthcare and STEM fields show promising future job gains. 

➡️Navigating the Worst Healthcare Worker Shortages Across States

The backbone of public health lies in the hands of dedicated healthcare workers. Yet, a sweeping crisis threatens this vital sector — an unprecedented shortage of workers across the United States.

Bustling hospitals remain strained beyond capacity. Meanwhile, communities grappling with limited access to essential medical services, and healthcare workers pushed to their limits, facing burnout and dismal work environments. This is the stark reality shaping the healthcare landscape today. Let’s take a closer look.

Geographical Disparities Intensify the Crisis

The shortage of healthcare workers is not uniform across the United States. Some states face severe challenges due to rural settings, limited access to healthcare, and high demand. States like California, Alaska, Texas, New Jersey, South Carolina, Georgia, South Dakota, New Mexico, Ohio, and Virginia are among the most affected. This disparity in staffing availability significantly impacts the delivery of quality healthcare.

Projections Highlight Future Strain

Predictions from reputable sources like the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) underscore the severity of the situation. The healthcare labor shortage is projected to escalate by hundreds of thousands of practitioners by 2034. The shortage spans various healthcare roles, from registered nurses (RNs) to primary care physicians, exacerbating the strain on the healthcare system.

Contributing Factors to the Shortage

Multiple factors compound the healthcare worker shortage, such as the aging population, limited talent pipeline, burnout, insufficient training programs, and pandemic-related pressures. The aging population significantly increases the demand for healthcare services while driving experienced professionals into retirement. This, combined with burnout and inadequate training opportunities, further exacerbates the shortage.

Strategies for Mitigation and Solutions

Addressing the healthcare worker shortage requires a multifaceted approach. Investing in healthcare education, optimizing retention strategies, flexible licensing requirements, addressing burnout, and exploring specialty healthcare outsourcing are among the strategies proposed to alleviate the crisis. The emphasis is on short-term solutions and a long-term sustainable approach to attract, retain, and optimize the existing healthcare workforce.

The Role of Outsourcing in Healthcare Solutions

Outsourcing non-core tasks, such as medical transcription, billing and coding, virtual assistant services, call center support, insurance claims processing, and more, emerges as a viable solution. By outsourcing these tasks to specialized service providers, healthcare institutions can alleviate the burden on their existing workforce, streamline operations, and optimize resource allocation.

➡️Top Payroll Statistics and FAQs About Outsourcing Payroll Services

The nuances of ensuring timely, accurate payments to employees for their invaluable contributions can make or break a company’s reputation and stability. Yet, navigating the labyrinth of payroll complexities in-house presents challenges that demand attention, time, and expertise. Enter outsourcing payroll services.

In this blog, we delve into a comprehensive exploration of payroll management, presenting compelling statistics illuminating the benefits of outsourcing payroll services. From the staggering impact of payroll errors on employees to the comparative advantages of outsourcing versus in-house management, we unravel the layers of this critical business function.

Outsourced vs. In-House Payroll Services

  • In-house teams have an 11.4% error rate, while outsourced providers boast a significantly lower 6.1% error rate.
  • 45% of small businesses prefer outsourcing payroll, which rises to 61% for medium-to-enterprise employers.
  • User experience is a priority for 30% of companies when selecting third-party payroll providers.
  • Outsourcing payroll can save companies up to 18% compared to handling payroll in-house.

Burden of Doing Payroll In-House

  • For 40% of small business owners, taxes and bookkeeping are the most time-consuming aspects of in-house payroll.
  • Payroll taxes are a significant or moderate burden for 70% of small business owners.
  • 77% of business owners view income taxes as an extra burden.
  • Over 61% of small businesses experience different payroll cash outflows.

Impact of Payroll Errors on Employees

  • A week’s pay delay causes financial difficulty for 72% of American employees.
  • 54% of American employees face varying pay problems.
  • Almost 80% of employees identify pay discrepancies themselves.
  • Payroll mistakes lead 44% of employees to leave their jobs.
  • Just two payroll errors prompt 49% of employees to seek a new job.

5 Questions (and Answers) About Payroll Services Outsourcing

What is outsourcing payroll services?

Outsourcing involves hiring a BPO for outsourced financial services, often performed by highly qualified finance professionals.

What tasks are involved?

Includes employee compensation, benefits administration, and tax compliance, ensuring timely payments and adherence to legislation.

What are the benefits?

Ensures on-time payments, saves time and money, improves flexibility scalability, and provides access to qualified finance professionals.

Best practices for outsourcing?

Choose the right outsourcing partner and stay updated on payroll and tax regulations.

Is outsourcing better than in-house payroll?

Outsourcing reduces costs, saves time, and offers flexibility, making it an advantageous choice for many businesses.

Outsourcing Payroll Services in the Philippines

  • Financial service outsourcing in the Philippines involves hiring third-party experts to handle financial operations, including payroll.
  • Reliable payroll outsourcing services in the Philippines use advanced technology and experienced financial specialists to empower businesses in the long run.

Stay Guided With SuperStaff’s Top Outsourcing Infographics

Staying ahead often means making strategic decisions that enhance efficiency and focus on core competencies. One such transformative choice is outsourcing, and when it comes to elevating your business to new heights, SuperStaff is your dedicated partner for success.

SuperStaff brings a wealth of experience to the table. Our team comprises skilled professionals who excel in managing intricate tasks such as payroll services with precision. Outsourcing to SuperStaff gives you access to experts dedicated to optimizing your business processes.

Connect with us today to unlock the full potential of your business.

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