Why Is 360-degree Customer View Relevant to Customer Experience?

Published: November 3, 2023
A man has his back on the camera, as he points to a 360-degree customer experience sign on the wall.

A great product is not enough to thrive in this competitive business climate. You must also appeal to your customers’ feelings by delivering outstanding service. But what should you do to achieve this? 

The best strategy is obtaining a 360-degree customer view to deliver an excellent customer experience.

What Is a 360-degree Customer View?

A 360-degree customer view is a comprehensive look at customers’ behavior and preferences based on aggregated data from various touchpoints. 

Simply put, the more customer data you interpret, the more you’ll understand your customer in-depth. This holistic perspective allows companies to understand consumer preferences and predict consumer behavior to provide better personalization. Businesses can also identify consumer trends that are helpful when laying the foundations for their future roadmap.

Why Is It Important for Businesses to Have a 360-degree Customer View?

A recent Gartner study revealed that only 14% of businesses have achieved a 360-degree view of their consumers, with an overwhelming majority (82%) seeking to do the same for more meaningful customer relationships and improved customer experiences. 

Why are more and more businesses recognizing the value of this concept as a customer engagement strategy?

Enable better personalization.

The pandemic has raised the bar for digital customer experience. With the commercial landscape becoming increasingly more intense, customers no longer just prefer personalization. They demand it.

Check out these statistics illustrating how personalization has become the default standard for customer loyalty and retention:

  • 71% of consumers expect personalized communication from brands
  • 76% feel disappointed if brands don’t deliver customized experiences to their customers

In a customer-centric era where consumers are flooded with so many options in the market, brands must find a way to make their customer journeys fulfilling. For instance, brands may offer special promotions for the target demographic. Customer service representatives can recommend products based on previous customer activities or interactions on social media

Personalization has also been proven to help businesses generate more revenue. In the U.S., the top-quartile brands prioritizing personalization efforts rake in over $1 trillion in value.

Create a seamless, hassle-free experience for your customers.

Your clients will remember their experience dealing with your customer service team just as much as your products and services. So, if you can’t resolve primary customer concerns during the first contact, and they’re forced to suffer long waiting times, chances are you’re delivering poor customer service.

How to enhance customer experience with seamless processes?

Customers hate having to repeat themselves. In a 2023 survey, 91% of customers prefer an easy, hassle-free, ideally frictionless experience. Moreso, 62% will pay more if brands provide a convenient experience. Otherwise, customers are more likely to seek service somewhere else.

Adopting a 360-degree customer experience won’t give your customers a reason to switch. In this case, customer care agents can rely on previous data instead of asking repetitive questions. 

Make better business decisions through data-driven insights.

By accessing generated data, companies can identify customers’ usual patterns and behavior, enabling them to understand who they are and forecast their actions. Brands can make more informed decisions through past purchases and results of customer interactions, eventually translating into more sales and cross-selling opportunities.

How To Achieve a 360-Degree Customer View

A wheel shows different steps to achieve 360-degree customer view for excellent customer experience.

Create a comprehensive customer service strategy that addresses all touchpoints.

Customers expect high levels of customer care quality across all channels, and brands must deliver, whether through live chat, email, or SMS. 

Fortunately, a reliable outsourcing team can offer exceptional omnichannel support to make your customers feel heard and understood, providing a seamless experience across multiple communication platforms.

Outsourced agents can help manage customer interactions in various channels and centralize critical customer information in a single database. To more efficiently elevate the customer experience, they can also measure customer satisfaction using specific customer service (CX) metrics.

Work with data entry specialists who ensure your customer database is logged correctly, organized, and maintained.

The total amount of data generated, captured, reproduced, and consumed globally hit 64.2 zettabytes in 2020 alone. By 2025, the number will continue to rise, reaching over zettabytes. 

With so much information at our fingertips, we must organize it to maximize business performance, streamline operations, and improve customer experience.  However, oversight can make capturing an enormous amount of raw data vulnerable to loss or misplacement.

In this case, you can outsource qualified data entry specialists to help you collect, compile, log, and organize customer databases. They can also identify quality data to create an accurate picture of your customers and the current market trend.

Outsource data science professionals who can extract insights from raw information.

Senior executives from 35 companies worldwide, including the U.S., were interviewed to understand the critical potential of data analytics — and here are the results:

  • Almost half (49%) of senior executives find data analytics as a crucial factor in boosting decision-making capabilities
  • 16% agree that the benefit lies in empowering key strategic capabilities
  • Two-thirds believe that analytics is an integral component in propelling business strategy

In short, data analytics will rise in importance, making it a valuable capability for customer loyalty and retention in the next few years — a key point agreed by an overwhelming majority (96%).

To maximize these opportunities, a business can outsource a team of trained data analysts from the right BPO provider. They can evaluate mountains of data to spot current trends, draw new insights, make better forecasts, and guide employers when making big business decisions. 

Achieve a 360-degree Customer View for Excellent Customer Experience 

Delivering an exceptional customer experience isn’t just about selling excellent products but understanding who you serve. Our comprehensive list of outsourcing solutions, including data science and business intelligence, enables you to attain a 360-degree view and deliver personalized customer experiences.

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