5 Ways Virtual Legal Assistants Help Law Firms Boost Satisfying Client Experience

Published: April 19, 2022
5 Ways Virtual Legal Assistant Help Law Firms

The internet has forever changed how legal services are delivered. Because of technology, clients want instant access to lawyers. If they don’t get the speed and the attention they need, they will be in contact with other firms that can satisfy the experience they expect. 

If your firm wants to get ahead in the game, delivering excellent legal client experience should be among your priorities. And one of the best ways to achieve this is by having dependable virtual legal assistants by your side.      

Take a look at these numbers: 

The numbers above represent missed opportunities to begin lifelong relationships with potential clients. Every interaction, starting from the first inquiry, is crucial to enhancing the client experience.  

What Is Client Experience? 

Picture this: You want a break from your work, so you decided to get a cup of coffee. The moment you open the door to the nearest Starbucks, someone greeted you. While taking your order, the staff listens attentively. Afterward, he or she points you to the waiting area while your coffee is prepared. The staff remains friendly up to the last minute of your stay in the store. You feel satisfied and tell yourself you will surely come back.

That’s a great customer experience right there.    

On the flip side, imagine if there is nobody to take your order the moment you step in. Or, that nobody acknowledges your presence as a customer. You would probably get frustrated and instead go to the nearest Tim Hortons. You may even vow never to return to Starbucks again.      

That’s the impact of a lousy customer experience.

Your legal clients want to experience what you had with the first scenario. They want an overall pleasant interaction with you from the moment they make their first contact—through emails, phone calls, voicemails, or website contact forms—until the conclusion of their cases (or even after).

What Are the Roles of Virtual Legal Assistants in Promoting Excellent Client Experience?

#1: Ensure That Clients Have a Seamless Experience When Scheduling an Appointment

If you don’t have virtual legal assistants to oversee online booking systems, your firm is missing out on potential prospects. Unlike a receptionist who can only book appointments during working hours, a virtual legal secretary gives potential clients the freedom to seek assistance anytime they want. They are well-versed in using automated tools to enhance the legal client experience.

Studies show that online booking and scheduling systems result in more business (26% more clients). The system is particularly beneficial in clinching the millennial demographic who prefer online booking over phone booking. 

Automated reminders sent to clients’ smartphones and emails also cut down no-show rates by 29%. These reminders allow your clients to cancel their appointments as early as possible if they need to, making it easier for your firm to adjust schedules accordingly. From arranging client meetings to booking travel accommodations, virtual legal assistants can help you and your firm stay on top of your calendars, enabling you to streamline efficiency and generate more business.

#2: Enable Clients to Check the Status of Their Cases Anytime 

Research shows that more than half (57%) of customers complain about long wait times when calling customer service. Since legal issues are often time-sensitive, this issue is exacerbated in the legal industry. By engaging the services of offshore virtual legal assistants, you can keep your clients up to date with their cases even after office hours. 

Think of virtual legal assistants as all-around secretaries you can reach round-the-clock. By staying on top of all administrative tasks remotely, they free up your firm’s time so you can concentrate on what you do best—lawyering. 

Virtual legal assistants can ensure that your clients are satisfied with your services and, as a result, remain loyal to your firm by going above and beyond to address their administrative concerns. 

5 Ways Virtual Legal Assistant Help Law Firms

#3: Eliminate the Need for Clients To Repeat Case-Related Information in Every Inquiry

Most cases involve more than one lawyer. Without proper documentation, miscommunication may arise between the teams working on the same case. This situation can be exhausting for everyone, especially clients who will be forced to repeat case-related information endlessly.  

Virtual legal assistants are responsible for organizing all of the documents in the case. To ensure that everyone is on the same page, they use innovative tools to update cases in real-time. This process is crucial because clients expect each person who handles their case to have a clear grasp of their situations. 

On some occasions, law firm virtual assistants may also transcribe recordings of proceedings, depositions, and client interviews to keep all relevant information intact.

#4: Provide Omnichannel Customer Support 

Consumers expect two things from customer service in today’s digital age: convenience and options. 

The challenge is that clients want options that suit their preferences, whether it’s chat support, email, social media, or phone call. They expect your availability in whichever channel they prefer, anytime they want. 

If clients can’t get through to you using the most convenient platform, they will take their business elsewhere. Research shows that companies with robust omnichannel customer engagement strategies keep 89% of their customers. By engaging the services of law firm virtual assistants, you can ensure that someone capable is of handling all lines of communications. 

#5: Prepare Legal Documents in Plain Language

Understanding legal jargon can be frustrating for a person with no background in law. Among the skills often offered by law firm virtual assistants is simplifying long, legal sentences into easily understandable statements.  Virtual legal assistants can help improve the client experience by making complex legal terms or issues simple for clients. 

Virtual legal secretaries can also assist with technical research. They can help lawyers and firms save valuable time by doing library work, online research, and coordinating with different offices. Virtual legal assistants with a paralegal background or proper training can also draft legal documents on the lawyers’ behalf. 

Read more: 16 Common Functions Delegated to Legal Process Outsourcing Firm 

Hire Qualified Virtual Legal Assistants 

SuperStaff is an outsourcing service company providing diverse LPO staffing solutions to businesses across the U.S. and other parts of the world. Contact us to learn about the different legal outsourcing solutions we offer.

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