Top 7 Workplace Trends in 2022 That Decision Makers Should Know

Published: March 1, 2022
7 Key Workplace Trend in 2022

More than a year since the labor market tipped the scale in favor of the employees, businesses still have difficulties figuring out how to navigate the new dynamics. Leaders and recruiters struggle to adapt to the top trends transforming workplaces today. Case in point: many employers’ to-do lists still do not align with the job seekers’ wishlist. 

Read more: Job Seekers’ Wishlist 2022: Top 7 Hiring Practices to Implement Amid ‘The Great Resignation’

According to Monsters’ 2022 Global Report on The Future of Work, jobseekers’ priorities are in this order:

  1. Salary Protection/Fair Compensation
  2. Financial Compensation Beyond Salary
  3. Healthcare Benefits
  4. Flexible Work Schedules
  5. Paid Time Offs

On the other hand, employers are drawing recruitment and hiring strategies with the following order of priorities:

  1. Healthcare Benefits
  2. Paid Time Offs
  3. Flexible Work Schedules
  4. Remote Flexibility
  5. Salary Protection/Fair Compensation

This scenario highlights why it is important to understand workplace trends. As businesses enter year two of the talent war, the level of competition will get tougher. With 93% of companies planning to hire this year and job openings remaining above the pre-pandemic level at 10.9 million, stakes are about to get even higher. 

Knowing what the latest workplace trends are will enable leaders to adapt better to significantly shifting candidate priorities and expectations. That said, here are the biggest workplace trends in 2022:

Read More: What Comes After ‘The Great Resignation’ in 2022: Preparing Your Business for the Upcoming ‘Great Resignation’ Recovery Period

7 Most Significant Workplace Trends in 2022

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