An Extensive List of BPO Dispatch Services for the Logistics Sector

Published: July 28, 2023
An agent attends to SuperStaff clients for BPO dispatch services.

The pandemic has taught us that supply chain disruptions are ultimately inevitable. But instead of viewing this as an insurmountable obstacle, businesses must recognize the opportunities within these challenges. By harnessing the power of technology, companies can gain insights into their supply links, identify potential bottlenecks, and make data-driven decisions that fuel growth and success.

One strategic approach to achieve this is outsourcing dispatch services that empower logistics businesses to overcome the challenges that cause supply chain disruptions, such as rising inflation and changing customer expectations.

An infographic shows challenges faced by logistics sector that may be addressed by dispatch services from BPOs.

As the world transitions into the post-pandemic era, the logistics sector faces new obstacles that require innovation and resilience. Let’s look at some of the significant challenges the logistics sector faces today.

Workers’ Strike

Labor disputes in the transportation sector, such as the impending UPS strike, can significantly impact the smooth flow of goods within the supply chain – causing delays, bottlenecks, inventory shortages, and increased shipment costs. Disruptions like these will inevitably have a domino effect throughout the entire supply chain, adversely affecting the production and distribution of goods.


While global inflation has peaked, in most G20 economies like the US, inflation remains well above economic targets. This also adds pressure on supply chains. As prices rise, consumers have less disposable income, leading to a drop in demand, excess inventory, and reduced production.

Additionally, inflation drives up the cost of manufacturing, storage, and transportation of goods. Higher prices for materials, labor, energy, and transportation expenses increase the overall cost of production. As such, dispatch logistics businesses are forced to allocate more resources to cover these rising costs, which can strain their profitability and operational efficiency. 

Supply Shortages

Three years after the pandemic fueled an unprecedented surge in e-commerce demand, retailers and suppliers still struggle to meet the soaring demand due to limited supplies. 

A recent Institute for Supply Management (ISM) survey revealed that electrical components, plastic, and semiconductors are among those critical raw materials in shortage. Amid these shortages, a brand’s ability to sustain growth relies heavily on having sufficient working capital to navigate limited supplies for peak seasons.

Evolving Consumer Behavior

The pandemic has accelerated the shift towards e-commerce, with more consumers now opting for contactless delivery options. This surge in demand compelled logistics providers to efficiently manage increased volumes, last-mile deliveries, and reverse logistics for returns. 

Adapting to changing consumer behavior requires investments in technology, automation, and robust logistics networks capable of handling peak demand and offering seamless customer experiences.

Digital Transformation

Several promising technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), drones and robots, electric vehicles, and on-demand delivery, can revolutionize the traditional supply chain. However, the real challenge lies in effectively implementing them throughout the entire supply chain of a company.

Labor Shortage

Staffing remains the top challenge for most supply chain executives.

In 2021, there was already a shortage of 80,000 truck drivers, but it is predicted to double to 160,000 by 2030. Peerless Media also revealed that 61% of executives are hiring warehouse workers to tackle challenges related to materials handling, logistics, and supply chain operations; 45% are also hiring in transportation and logistics.

Overcoming these challenges and rebuilding resilient supply chains require collaboration, innovation, and a forward-thinking approach to embrace new technologies and operational strategies.

Dispatch services you can outsource from a BPO.

One effective approach to navigate these logistical challenges in the post-pandemic era is through outsourcing. Through it, the logistics sector can emerge stronger, more efficient, and better prepared for future disruptions.

Check out this comprehensive breakdown of all global logistics dispatching services you can outsource.

Accounting and Bookkeeping Services

Accounting services play a crucial role since the industry warrants transportation costs at every supply link. 

By facilitating the payment of services, accountants ensure the smooth flow of delivery and shipments across the supply chain. But that’s not their only responsibility – much like in any industry, they also balance the sheets and manage the expenses and budget of a logistics or dispatch company.

This entails controlling internal inventories, production, and distribution. Meanwhile, at the executive level, accountants strategize the long-term financial growth of these companies. They also help plan and implement supply chain management and find efficient ways to reduce costs. Leveraging their industry expertise and analytical thinking skills, they help identify opportunities and challenges in the financial side of the supply chain.

However, due to the widening accountant shortage in the US, hiring for the role may not be easy. Fortunately, logistics companies can turn to financial outsourcing – a cost-efficient strategy to stay on top of their finances. BPOs that outsource accounting have access to a deep pool of global talent who provide a wide range of accounting and bookkeeping tasks, from managing financial records and bookkeeping to payroll and tax preparation.

Multilingual, Omnichannel Customer Support

As the final point of contact with customers, the quality of your customer support can drive your success and that of your clients. 

To keep pace with the growing demand for e-commerce, many logistics companies are turning to outsourcing their customer service dispatch needs. This means entrusting customer support responsibilities to specialized providers capable of handling inquiries, complaints, and assistance. 

In today’s global economy, businesses must cater to customers from diverse linguistic backgrounds. A recent study showed that most (68%) of customers would switch to brands that offer support in their native tongue. Furthermore, 57% consider it biased when brands don’t provide multilingual services. 

Thankfully, outsourcing customer support enables companies to offer multilingual support without recruiting and training an in-house team for each language. Service providers specializing in customer support have access to resources and personnel proficient in various languages – ensuring that customers receive assistance in their preferred language, leading to better communication and customer satisfaction.

Customers also expect seamless and personalized experiences across multiple channels, with omnichannel strategies fueling an 80% increase in in-store visits. Meeting these expectations can be challenging for organizations, especially with limited resources and expertise. This is where outsourced omnichannel customer support comes into play.

Outsourcing omnichannel customer support ensures a standardized approach to customer interactions, regardless of the channel. Service providers work closely with businesses to understand their brand values, voice, and guidelines, ensuring that every customer touchpoint reflects the desired brand image.

By offloading customer support responsibilities to specialized providers, businesses can also allocate their internal resources to activities directly impacting their core operations, such as supply chain management, transportation, and strategic planning. This focus on core competencies enhances operational efficiency and promotes business growth.

Data Entry and Analysis

Logistics companies can predict changes in consumer behavior and accurately identify demand patterns by harnessing advanced data collection and analysis systems. A practical illustration of this is the statistical “transportation problem,” – a particular type of linear programming problem with the primary objective of minimizing transport costs given the shipment of a specific commodity from multiple sources (factory, storage facility) to various destinations (retailer, wholesaler) by strategizing route planning.

Another great example is how industry experts leverage analytics to determine how to expedite the notoriously inefficient last mile of a supply chain, which amounts to up to 28% of the total delivery cost. 

However, while digitalization enables logistics companies to analyze vast volumes of supply chain data to uncover valuable insights and trends, one thing stands in the way of most firms. Without the necessary resources and in-house capacity for data entry and analytics, most rely on outdated spreadsheets that may not be able to give them maximum visibility across all variables in supply chains.

One strategy they can leverage is data science outsourcing.  Logistics companies can ensure accurate and efficient data processing by entrusting their data tasks to specialized service providers. BPOs are equipped with skilled personnel trained to meticulously enter data while adhering to industry standards, ensuring the integrity of the data and avoiding costly mistakes in supply chain operations.

Moreover, outsourcing will allow logistics leaders to identify patterns, optimize inventory levels, accurately forecast demand, and streamline supplier relationships. These data-driven insights contribute to improved operational efficiency for a competitive edge in the market.

Outsourcing data entry also opens up opportunities for automation and leveraging artificial AI technologies. With the continuous influx of data, leaders can employ AI algorithms that detect anomalies and patterns in real time for swift responses to potential disruptions. Logistics companies can proactively address issues, optimize processes, and enhance overall operational performance through this technology.

Invoice Processing 

In a fast-paced industry like logistics, invoice processing is vital in maintaining smooth operations and ensuring timely payments. 

For logistics companies, invoices are crucial documents that track shipments, detail the goods sold or shipped, and outline the corresponding amounts. But with so many transactions involved in a logistics business, how can they keep track of everything? 

Manual invoice processing is highly vulnerable to human error, with 3.6% of invoices containing mistakes. Outsourcing to experts can be a great solution to minimize the error risks. 

Outsourcing enables logistics companies to work with dedicated teams focused on accurately processing large invoices. By leveraging their expertise, businesses can minimize errors, reduce processing time, and ensure that invoices are processed accurately for improved financial management and reduced payment delays.

On top of this, outsourcing also comes with robust data security measures and compliance with industry regulations. BPOs implement stringent security protocols to protect sensitive financial information, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of data. Additionally, they stay updated with the latest regulatory requirements, reducing non-compliance risk. Outsourcing invoice processing provides peace of mind, knowing your sensitive financial data is in expert hands.

Emergency Hotlines and Dispatching Services

Since the wake of COVID-19, up to 74% of companies have been plagued with late shipments. Disruptions such as the pandemic shed light on the inherent unpredictability of disruptions in logistics and why logistics businesses need a highly efficient emergency dispatching service team on standby. 

Since the primary objective is to elevate the customer experience by minimizing errors and maintaining transparent operations, outsourcing the task to highly skilled and experienced customer service representatives is a great way to achieve this. 

Outsourced dispatchers work closely with recipients. They update customers on expected delivery times through real-time messaging to reduce the likelihood of missed deliveries or customer dissatisfaction. Businesses can foster trust, mitigate potential issues, and build customer loyalty by establishing transparent communication channels. 

In addition to routine dispatch operations, outsourced dispatchers often provide emergency hotline services. These hotlines serve as a vital lifeline for businesses when unforeseen disruptions or emergencies occur. Trained personnel handle incoming calls, gather essential information, and swiftly dispatch appropriate resources or assistance. Whether it’s a breakdown, delay, or any other unforeseen event, the outsourced dispatchers are well-equipped to handle such situations efficiently, ensuring minimal disruption and timely resolution of issues.

Service Rate Inquiry

Since they work in global supply chains, logistics businesses often engage with various foreign vendors whose service rates and pricing structures may not be familiar to most clients. This is why it’s crucial to streamline the process of handling service rate inquiries to ensure clarity, reliability, and enhanced customer satisfaction. 

Prompt and accurate response to service rate inquiries is crucial for delivering an exceptional customer experience – fortunately, BPOs can handle customer queries with maximum speed and efficiency. Your outsourcing partner can establish streamlined processes, utilizing automation and standardized templates to expedite inquiry responses. This improves customer satisfaction as clients receive timely and comprehensive pricing information, fostering transparency, trust, and positive relationships. A positive customer experience in service rate inquiries strengthens the overall brand reputation and increases the likelihood of repeat business.

Tracking and Tracing Inquiry

As supply chains grow increasingly complex, real-time visibility is a powerful tool for them to gain control over their operations. 

This is why efficient tracking and tracing of shipments is crucial in logistics. Many firms are outsourcing tracking and tracing inquiries to optimize this process and enhance customer satisfaction. 

Service providers specializing in tracking and tracing inquiries possess the necessary expertise and access to advanced technologies to handle inquiries efficiently. They stay updated with the latest tracking systems, software, and industry best practices, ensuring accurate and reliable information. 

Outsourcing benefits businesses from streamlined processes, real-time data analysis, and comprehensive reporting. The expertise and technology of outsourcing partners enhance tracking and tracing capabilities, ultimately leading to improved supply chain visibility.

Another advantage outsourcing offers is scalability. The demands on tracking and tracing inquiries can fluctuate, with peak periods or sudden surges in volume. Outsourcing allows businesses to ramp up or scale down operations based on demand quickly – ultimately reducing the risk of bottlenecks and maintaining consistent service levels.

Air WayBill Processing

The air shipping process relies heavily on the air waybill (AWB), a crucial document that serves several essential functions. But primarily provides comprehensive information about the goods being transported and their intended destination. Without this critical information, mishandling or even cargo loss during transit is a significant risk.

Waybill processing requires meticulous attention to detail to ensure accurate documentation and compliance with regulations. Outsourcing to a reputable BPO brings specialized expertise in this domain, minimizing the risk of errors and non-compliance. These providers are well-versed in industry best practices, regulations, and the latest technology for efficient waybill processing. By leveraging their expertise, businesses can benefit from improved accuracy, reduced errors, and enhanced regulatory compliance, minimizing risks and avoiding costly penalties.

Freight Bill Auditing

Supply chain leaders need accurate and timely freight bill audits for informed decision-making. However, achieving reliable accuracy in freight bills can be a challenging task. From inefficient handling to incomplete data, errors in freight bills can undermine desired outcomes and operational efficiency. Many organizations are turning to outsourcing as a solution to overcome these challenges.

Their comprehensive understanding of industry regulations allows them to validate invoices against established standards, ensuring compliance and reducing the risk of costly errors or disputes. Outsourcing partners also employ rigorous quality control measures to maintain accuracy, providing organizations with peace of mind and confidence in their financial data.

Moreover, they leverage automated auditing tools to perform systematic checks, flag discrepancies, and validate data against predefined rules and industry standards. By embracing technology and leveraging the expertise of specialized service providers, logistics firms can improve accuracy, streamline processes, and enhance operational efficiency. 

Freight Payment Processing

In the logistics sector, freight payment processing serves as an account payable service for transportation invoices – a simple error in payment processing can lead to costly disputes and strained relationships with carriers. 

An intelligent way to avoid such misunderstandings is outsourcing, a strategy that gives businesses access to industry experts for higher accuracy and compliance. These providers have comprehensive knowledge of industry regulations, invoicing standards, and payment reconciliation procedures. By entrusting the crucial task to them, firms can minimize errors, avoid costly disputes, and enhance overall financial accuracy.

Outsourcing also streamlines financial operations by consolidating payment processes and providing centralized control. BPOs offer standardized workflows and employ advanced technologies to simplify payment processing and ensure consistency. This centralized approach enables organizations to gain visibility into their payment activities, track expenses, and easily reconcile invoices. 

Organizations can avoid capital investments and ongoing maintenance costs by eliminating the need for internal payment processing systems. Outsourcing providers often negotiate favorable payment terms with carriers, allowing businesses to optimize cash flow by aligning payment cycles with their working capital needs. Additionally, outsourcing frees up internal resources, enabling staff to focus on strategic financial management and core business activities.

Freight Booking Management

Effective freight management is crucial for businesses that deal with cargo movement since it ensures the timely delivery of goods to the correct destination – while optimizing costs. 

Shippers, regardless of their size, must make strategic decisions on handling their freight operations. Many businesses leverage outsourcing as a cost-efficient strategy to simplify the process and enhance efficiency.

Outsourcing freight booking management offers significant cost savings and other benefits. Businesses can leverage their established carrier networks and negotiate favorable rates by partnering with specialized service providers and freight brokers. Outsourcing providers also have the expertise to identify the most cost-effective options for shipping goods, thereby reducing transportation costs. Additionally, by offloading the burden of managing the booking process, businesses can allocate their internal resources to core activities and strategic initiatives, enhancing overall productivity.

Managing the booking process often involves coordinating with multiple carriers. Fortunately, outsourcing enables businesses to tap into the expertise of professionals with established relationships with carriers. Furthermore, service providers have streamlined processes to efficiently communicate and coordinate with carriers for smooth logistics operations. 

Freight Bill of Lading Services

Indeed, outsourcing has become a common practice used in various aspects of logistics operations. Still, one critical area where outsourcing can benefit significantly is managing bill of lading (BOL) services. 

The bill of lading is a crucial document in the shipping and logistics industry that serves as proof of contract and facilitates the movement of goods from one location to another.

Outsourcing ensures that your BOL documents are managed by professionals specializing in the field. These experts are well-versed in the intricacies of shipping regulations, documentation requirements, and industry best practices. By leveraging their knowledge and experience, you can expect increased accuracy and efficiency in managing your BOLs.

Outsourcing can also lead to significant cost savings for your business. Instead of investing in expensive software, infrastructure, and staff training, you can benefit from a specialized service provider’s economies of scale. They already have the necessary technology and systems, allowing you to reduce overhead costs and allocate resources more effectively.

Why Outsource to the Philippines?

Dubbed the “BPO Capital of the World,” the Philippines is a leading outsourcing destination that offers a wide range of advantages for businesses seeking to expand their operations. 

The country is strategically located in Southeast Asia, making it an ideal hub for tapping into Asian markets and connecting Asian supply links. With a strong transportation infrastructure and proximity to key markets, businesses can benefit from efficient logistics and supply chain operations. 

One of the significant advantages of Philippine offshoring is its ability to provide 24-hour support through the follow-the-sun workforce model. Due to the time zone difference, businesses in other regions, such as North America or Europe, can leverage a seamless round-the-clock operational model allowing for uninterrupted customer support, timely response to inquiries, and enhanced productivity across different time zones.

Internationally renowned for its exceptional service, the country’s workforce has a strong work ethic and a customer-centric approach. Filipino professionals are trained to deliver personalized customer experiences, leading to higher customer satisfaction levels and increased brand loyalty. 

The country also boasts a deep talent pool, with a large number of highly skilled professionals with exceptional communication skills and proficiency in English. Businesses can tap into this talent pool, accessing individuals with expertise in diverse fields such as IT, finance, and more.

With its strategic location, 24-hour support capabilities, deep talent pool, and English proficiency, the Philippines offers a compelling outsourcing destination. By harnessing the strengths of the Filipino workforce, businesses can drive operational efficiency, enhance customer satisfaction, and achieve sustainable growth in a highly competitive global marketplace. 

Embrace the potential of outsourcing to the Philippines and unlock new opportunities for your logistics business.

Empower Your Logistics Business Through Outsourced Dispatch Services

With our expertise and experience in providing outsourced logistical services, SuperStaff can help optimize your supply chain and streamline your operations. Our comprehensive range of services, including accounting and bookkeeping, multilingual customer support, data entry, invoice processing, emergency hotlines, and more, can meet your specific needs.

SuperStaff’s dedicated team of professionals ensures accuracy, efficiency, and excellent customer service, allowing you to focus on your core business activities. By outsourcing your logistical services to SuperStaff, you can benefit from cost savings, improved productivity, and access to specialized resources and technologies.

You can visit our website or contact SuperStaff today to discuss your global logistics outsourcing requirements and explore how our services can support your business growth.

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