Harnessing the Power of Storytelling for Business Content Writing: Tips for Engaging Audiences in Your Upbeat Voice

Published: June 23, 2023
Two SuperStaff writers share business content writing tips.

Write your web content and blogs the same way you unfold a favorite story. 

Contrary to what some may believe, “upbeat” doesn’t have to mean “unprofessional” or “casual.” Even when it comes to business content writing, retaining an upbeat tone is possible and can even offer a competitive advantage.

This article discusses why writing content in an upbeat voice can be valuable to your brand. It includes a few simple tips for writing great business website content that engages your readers and humanizes your brand.

Benefits of Upbeat Content Writing for Business 

Imagine that you’re visiting your local mom-and-pop retail shop. Upon walking through the door, an employee greets you with a slight frown, a stern expression, and a disinterested tone.

Would this greeting make you want to continue shopping at their store? This interaction would be enough for many people to take their money elsewhere.  

The same principle holds for digital interactions. To make the best possible first impression on your customers, you must greet them with a smile, a positive attitude, and an upbeat or lively tone. 

The first interaction many customers have with your business is through your website or social media. As such, ensuring that your content makes a stellar impact is crucial to the growth and success of your brand. And a great way to catch your audience’s attention and engage their emotions is by using a more upbeat writing voice.

Using a cheery voice for business content writing.

People often mirror others’ emotions.

Our attitudes, actions, and feelings are shaped in part by our environment. As human beings, we unconsciously “mirror” the emotions of people around us. 

Numerous studies have found an overlap in observed and experienced emotional responses. People may feel sad when they see someone looking dreary or joyful when witnessing someone else looking happy. People are also more likely to mirror someone acting positively. 

Now, what does this mean in a digital marketing context? If you write in a cheerful voice, readers are more likely to “mirror” your tone and feel positive emotions toward your brand. 

Remember that first impressions matter. Customers will feel more inclined to interact with your brand when they experience positive emotions upon coming across your marketing materials for the first time.

Read more: Top 8 Must-Know Digital Content Marketing Strategies To Help Fuel Brand Awareness and Growth in 2022

Positivity is essential in today’s digital landscape.

How can your brand make an impression in an online environment where customers feel constantly bombarded with various ads and marketing messages? Focus on positive marketing.

Over the past few years, as we navigate the post-pandemic world, people everywhere have felt frustrated, helpless, and discouraged. Readers now more than ever crave positivity and want to engage with brands that prioritize social responsibility.

We live in the age of “conscious consumerism.” In fact, 77% of consumers prefer interacting with and purchasing from brands that share their values. By being transparent about your company’s values when writing business and marketing messages, you can propel your business to the top of customers’ minds and stand apart from the competition.

Readers prefer personalized and humanized content.

The business world is becoming increasingly digitized, but that doesn’t mean that consumers want to interact with chatbots all the time. According to Semrush’s 2022 Content Marketing Trends, personalized and humanized content is vital for engaging readers and building relationships with them.

Artificial intelligence is on the rise, and various technologies and software are being developed to enable marketers to churn out content quickly and easily. However, today’s readers still seek out unique and authentic content that feels as though humans created them.

In fact, 74% of customers feel frustrated when a website’s content marketing doesn’t feel humanized or personalized. Taking the time to craft high-quality articles with a distinctly human touch and upbeat tone can cause more consumers to gravitate toward your brand.

3 Simple Tips for Engaging Your Readers With Upbeat Content Writing for Business

Harnessing the power of storytelling for business content writing.

1. Write for humans first and search engine algorithms second.

The key to mastering this writing voice is simple: Remember that behind every digital screen is a human reader. Write your marketing content with these individuals in mind, and greet them warmly as they discover your brand for the first time. 

One mistake new marketers often make is focusing too much on keyword stuffing. They create articles that appeal to algorithms but will immediately turn off any human readers. 

There should be a balance between SEO and artful prose. Writing for humans first and foremost should be the priority.

Here’s a simple writing tip to follow: Read your words out loud.

Do your sentences sound awkward and clunky? Are your paragraphs so long that you get out of breath as you read through them? 

Do the keywords flow naturally in the sentence, or do they sound too forced? Ask yourself these questions, so you’ll know that you are writing for human beings rather than simply catering to the algorithm.

Good content is like a good conversation. You wouldn’t want your readers to feel exhausted after reading your work. You’ll want them to feel positive, energized, and ready to interact more with you and your brand.

2. Avoid generic speech and strive for authenticity.

When creating content, it’s important to make your marketing messages feel genuine and authentic. It’s not enough to simply sound upbeat. 

According to one Consumer Content Report, 86% of people say authenticity matters when deciding which brands to support. However, 57% say that less than half of brands create content that resonates as “authentic.”

If you regularly spend your time online, I’m sure you’ve come across your fair share of clickbait-y posts or articles that seem designed only to get views rather than provide actual value for readers. If you want to engage your target audience and not just catch their attention for a brief moment, be truthful and genuine in your marketing messages.

Put yourself in your customers’ shoes as you write. What would your first impression be if you came across your brand’s website, blog posts, or social media pages for the first time? Does the content feel like a human being wrote it, or does it seem too generic and reliant on overused marketing phrases?

Readers are more likely to engage with a brand when they feel that real people are behind the screen. Highlight the human elements of your company by showcasing the employees and teams behind your brand’s success. 

3. Think of content writing as storytelling.

Here’s a quirky tip for marketers hoping to master the upbeat writing style: Write your web content the same way you write a story.

The best writers are often also the best storytellers. They not only know how to make words sound nice on a page but also have the power to inspire, motivate, or move readers.

Studies have found that 92% of consumers want ads or marketing messages to feel more like stories. Instead of plainly stating facts or quoting statistics, create an engaging narrative that will appeal to your target audience’s experiences and emotions.

Here’s a suggested formula for brand storytelling: Write as though you’re sharing a fairytale. 

  • Highlight the hero of your story. Every fairytale has a compelling hero at its center, whether a brave knight protecting his kingdom or a young princess learning how to be a good ruler. 

In content creation, the brand is your hero; like a financial advisor who wants to help people make suitable investments or a dental product manufacturer that aims to help families fight tooth decay and cavities. Ensure your audience understands your heroes, what motivates them, and why they should root for them.

  • Establish the central conflict of the narrative. Imagine if the evil stepmother did not poison Snow White, or the three little pigs had never encountered the Big Bad Wolf. It’s not enough for your fairytale to have an interesting hero. You’ll need a compelling conflict to drive the narrative forward.

What is your hero fighting for? In other words, what is the problem your brand is trying to solve, and what benefits does it offer to customers? Perhaps, you write for a cleaning company that has sworn vengeance against non removable carpet stains or a real estate agent who has taken up the fight against homelessness. 

  • Inspire and encourage your reader to take action. Finally, no fairytale is complete without a moral. The best stories not only engage readers and tug at their heartstrings but can also change a person’s perspective and inspire them to take action.

If the tale of Red Riding Hood taught children not to be too quick to trust strangers and Pinocchio talked about the dangers of telling lies, what lesson (or call to action) do you want to emphasize to your readers? What next step do you want your potential customers to take after reading your article or post? 

Perhaps, the CTA may be to purchase a particular product or request a quote for services. The tone, style, and details may differ each time, but the piece’s goal will always be for your hero — your brand — to solve a problem for your customers, told creatively and uniquely, that’s bound to make an impression.

Read more: What Role Does Content Writing Play in Your E-commerce Sales Funnel?

In an increasingly digitized business landscape, emphasize humanity in your content strategy.

One of the modern businesses’ biggest challenges is finding ways to stand out in an increasingly digitized global marketplace. Most brands understand the importance of content writing in business, particularly having a solid website and social media presence, but many struggle to write content that engages their target audience.

While scrolling through social media or doing content research, you’ll often come across brands that share what is called “assembly line content” which is cold, emotionless, run-of-the-mill articles that feel as though they’ve been rushed through a factory line automated by robots. 

Rushed content is what the business content writing editorial team at SuperStaff avoids at all costs. Our team prioritizes quality and focuses on creating informative, relevant, value-driven, and engaging content that drives results for our clients but never neglects that human touch.

In a sea of too-serious content, be the brand that explores new horizons, takes a chance at creativity and innovation, and connects with audiences on a deeper level. Make an impression that lasts by focusing on personalized and humanized content that appeals to your target market’s needs, preferences, and emotions. 

Contact us, and learn more about how our business content writing services can empower your brand!

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